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Company Mission/Vision
Primary Customers
# Full Time Employees
# Mental Health Professionals
Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Satisfaction Ratings
If the tables below are blank, we have not received any therapist reviews.
If you are a therapist and a current or recent employee of this company, head to the Therapists in Tech slack community (join here if you are not a member already), join the #company-reviews channel, and fill out the survey pinned to the top. We do not post the survey link publicly to ensure data integrity.
Date | Company | Would You Recommend (0/no to 10/yes) | Clinical Leadership | Company Leadership | Respect for Clinical Voice | Ethics | HIPAA compliance | Tech | Clinical Input | Care Model | Measurement Based Care | Clinical Escalations | Legal Questions Answered |
02/28/2023 | Cerebral | 0 | Very dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Dissatisfied | Satisfied | Dissatisfied |
Cerebral | 0 | Ok | Dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Ok | Dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Ok | Very dissatisfied | Ok |
Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Written Reviews
This table is difficult to read on cell phones. We recommend using a desktop or laptop.
Date | Company | If Don't Recommend, Why? | Important To Know | Anything Else? |
02/28/2023 | Cerebral | This company is more focused on the business aspect rather than actual clinical interventions. Clients/patients do not come first and that is very evident. This company has gone through 4 rounds of layoffs within the past year alone with more to come in the near future. | There is little to no job protection within this company. | |
Cerebral | Decisions are made from the top down. Clinical decisions often come 2nd. It felt like everyone (employees and clients) were viewed simply as a number/statistic. | The clinical team was supportive and provided a lot resources. Many amazing clinicians as well. Just all get lost as Cerebral tried to keep expanding. |