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Company informaton

Company information was provided by: 

Company representative

Last updated: 

May 4, 2023

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Company Mission/Vision

We created Bend Health to empower kids, teens, and families with the skills to build lifelong resilience. Because all kids deserve it.

Venture Capital-backed


Series A


# Full Time Employees

Payer / Health plans, Hospital / Health systems, Employers

Primary Customers


# Mental Health Professionals

Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Satisfaction Ratings 

If the tables below are blank, we have not received any therapist reviews.

If you are a therapist and a current or recent employee of this company, head to the Therapists in Tech slack community (join here if you are not a member already), join the #company-reviews channel, and fill out the survey pinned to the top. We do not post the survey link publicly to ensure data integrity.

Would You Recommend (0/no to 10/yes)
Clinical Leadership
Company Leadership
Respect for Clinical Voice
HIPAA compliance
Clinical Input
Care Model
Measurement Based Care
Clinical Escalations
Legal Questions Answered
Bend Health
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Bend Health
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Bend Health
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Bend Health
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Bend Health
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Bend Health
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Therapist Ratings
Therapist Written Reviews

Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Written Reviews

This table is difficult to read on cell phones. We recommend using a desktop or laptop.

If Don't Recommend, Why?
Important To Know
Anything Else?
Bend Health
They have incredibly unethical clinical practices, little/no training on their process and overwork direct care providers. It's an awful place
Because you will not be treated well, however high level leadership will be dismissive and ignore the issues. It will make you feel as though you are a trouble maker or making a big deal about things that shouldn't be happening.
Avoid it at all costs
Bend Health
No, I would not
Leadership includes clinicians who understand how to scale quality care from experience.
Bend Health
The company has no knowledge about clinical ethics and does not care to be educated.
They will ask you to work outside of the rules out in place by your licensing boards.
Very disappointing experience. Leadership is condescending and passive aggressive.
Bend Health
Disregard for employee mental health and respect -Hours changed from an 8 hour day to 9 hour day to days up to 13 hours with some workers working at 2am in Slack and G-Spaces -Frequent sudden layoffs with no announcement of departure -high burnout and employees quitting suddenly (no announcement) -employee opinions are not considered despite being invited by leadership. -Multiple surveys are conducted with no follow up or results shared. Multiple work groups and feedback meetings without action plans or productive time used Toxic working environment and low moral -Gaslighting employees -Punitive with frequent retribution for speaking up around ethical dilemmas or questions around processes/procedures -Micromanagement -Lack of transparency -employees feeling unheard, ignored, belittled.
Blatant unethical practices with intent to cut corners and create shortcuts, leaving customers unhappy and dissatisfied -Goal of profits over patient mental health needs -Unlicensed practitioners providing services outside of scope -Practitioners providing services in states they are not licensed to practice in -Inequitable benefits and treatment of employees (Favoritism, Nepotism, internal promotions conducted secretly, opportunities presented to only select employees, Disproportionate pay grades between therapists, bonuses and company shares offered only upper management
HIPAA violations, breach of patient confidentiality, unethical practice procedures - despite multiple consultants advising otherwise and numerous complaints from employees  - lack of informed consent process - minimal consent and ROI forms and Bend will not provide consent to therapists even when directly asked - Employees untrained to properly and legally respond to mental health crisis  - Workers required to function outside of role and scope or else threatened  Positives -Work from home -Unlimited PTO
Bend Health
It is an incredibly toxic environment. The CEO and President lead by humiliating clinical staff. They discharge clients in a way that leaves questions about how ethical it is (no referrals or opportunities to terminate appropriately), and it is not therapy. They are practicing outside of their scope and overwhelming their staff. They reward those with poor boundaries (working well into the early morning hours) and punish people who challenge leadership. They told lies in the interviews and changed expectations with little to no notice. Truly the most toxic place I have ever been.
If you are practicing ethically, it will be impossible to maintain in this environment. They will tell you what you want to hear in the interview and then require after hours work. The schedule is not flexible or conducive to providing serious therapy. 30 minute sessions once a month and a coach who is clearly providing therapy, even though they are not licensed. As an example of some of their shady behavior, at one point they wanted therapists to pose as family members on their family boards and lie to “generate content”. The CEO or president, Monika, when questioned, becomes verbally abusive. It is a cult like atmosphere. The processes and EHR are incredibly stressful and inefficient and will require additional time. There is no adequate intake process and they want you to do a “thorough” assessment in less than 30 minutes. It is a medical model. Not person centered. No validated assessments are used to measure progress. Will discharge members if they don’t complete video assessments. Regularly accepts members that absolutely require a higher level of care.
Avoid at all costs. The pay and unlimited PTO are not worth the headache and toxicity. At the surface it appears fine, but rapidly declines once your start asking any questions. They hunted people down on psychologytoday and threatened consequences for having a profile/additional job even if it did not interfere with work or was an inactive profile. Threatened loss of job for not filling schedule, even though there were no clients to fill the schedule. I can only assume the company will rapidly implode.
Bend Health
Hostile work environment with gaslighting, shaming, and aggressive management tactics. Unsupportive, unethical, and incredibly incompetent/inexperienced leadership who push illegal and unethical tasks onto workers. The pay is not worth it. It is a sinking ship and they’ll metaphorically drown you too.
Your professional needs and ethical concerns will fall on deaf ears.  Coaches are over-worked / working out of scope. Highly trained therapists are under-utilized and ignored. Coordinators are under-trained and overbooked.  30 min. sessions 1-2x/m regardless of acuity. You’ll be micromanaged to the minute. You will be treated like childre. Hours range from 9-15 hours a day with some employees working past 12am. Staff terminations and resignations monthly without contingency plans in place or proper support during transitions.
Transparency does not exist in this company. Multiple unreported violations of heath system contracts.  Everything is stolen from SanVello. Nothing is unique except for a very poorly made proprietary EHR. 
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