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Company information was provided by:
Recent or current employee
Last updated:
Mar 6, 2023
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Company Mission/Vision
Our evidence-based, intensive programs set clients and families up for long-term success
Therapy once a week isn't always enough. Charlie Health's Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) combines supported groups, family therapy, and individual therapy into a series of personalized sessions multiple times per week. Our experts use research to address mental health struggles at their roots.
Venture Capital-backed
Series B
More than 200
# Full Time Employees
Payer / Health Plan,Hospital / Health systems
Primary Customers
More than 200
# Mental Health Professionals
Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Satisfaction Ratings
If the tables below are blank, we have not received any therapist reviews.
If you are a therapist and a current or recent employee of this company, head to the Therapists in Tech slack community (join here if you are not a member already), join the #company-reviews channel, and fill out the survey pinned to the top. We do not post the survey link publicly to ensure data integrity.
Date | Company | Would You Recommend (0/no to 10/yes) | Clinical Leadership | Company Leadership | Respect for Clinical Voice | Ethics | HIPAA compliance | Tech | Clinical Input | Care Model | Measurement Based Care | Clinical Escalations | Legal Questions Answered |
03/06/2023 | Charlie Health |
Current/Recent Therapist Employees - Written Reviews
This table is difficult to read on cell phones. We recommend using a desktop or laptop.
Date | Company | If Don't Recommend, Why? | Important To Know | Anything Else? |
03/06/2023 | Charlie Health | Leadership is very distrustful of their work force. Environment can feel punitive instead of celebrative or valuing. Founders are obsessed with metrics-- everything has to be quantifiable. Therapists held liable for things that go wrong even if it were out of their control. Therapists are discussed as "lazy" by leadership. Company recently uploaded spy software to employee computers to track productivity and make sure therapists are working their hours. Lots of micromanagement and documentation around hours, often checked and asked to be justified. | There is a push to have therapists opt-in to doing 32 direct hours per week. If you haven't scheduled the required 28 hours then you are expected to sit in on groups or pick up other overflow tasks. Extra tasks (serving on DEI committee) aren't counted toward those.
Clinical Directors need to be fully bought in to metric style of supervision. |